Check Out My Blogs!

Lessons Learned as a Project Manager

In WI24 I took IMC again but this time as a Project Manager! This is what I learned about being a leader in that class.

How My Door Became My Best Tool As A Marketer

In this blog, I discuss Kanban, a visual project management tool, and some of the different ways I have used it and which I prefer.

Embracing Zebras: Digital Activism for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

This article is a blog about digital marketing for a non-profit for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Getting Into Consumer Inboxes: The Magic of Email Marketing

In this article, I talk about the power of email marketing and its benefits and some of the ways to do email marketing

Behind Your Brand: Building Your Portfolio

In this blog, I try to help you start a personal portfolio website, helping you decide what web developer to use, how to build a nav bar, and what each page should look like!

Behind The Brand: Elements

This blog discusses some of my brand's lore, including some aspects of my brand elements, including my logo, colors, and font.

I had ChatGPT do my homework, and then I critiqued it.

You read the title.. I had it write a blog and then I critiqued it.

Maximizing Your Website Success: The Key to Successful SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a technique that enhances a website's visibility and drives more traffic to it.

Behind The Brand: Creative Brief

In this blog post, which I wrote for my WWU IMC class, I discuss some aspects of starting a creative brief.

What I Can Do For You as Your Digital Marketer

As a Graduate of the WWU Marketing Program, I wrote this blog about everything I learned in DigiMark, including how much I love conversions.

Unlocking the Power of UI/UX

UI/UX is important and if you are designing a site, you should probably consider implementing good UI/UX if you want the site to succeed

What is Web Analytics, and Why do People Keep Bringing it Up?

Web analytics is essential for businesses, providing insights into website performance, user behavior, and marketing effectiveness.